JUMP TO🍿 IntroductionAuthenticationRate limitsStatus and errorsPaginationFilteringEnvironmentsTRUSTPAIR APICompany account checksRetrieve all company account checksgetCreate new company account check(s)postRetrieve a company account checkgetCompany account auditsRetrieve all company account audits in your supplier listgetAdd new company account audit(s) to your supplier listpostRetrieve a company account audit from your supplier listgetUpdate a company account audit in your supplier listpatchDestroy a company account audit from your supplier listdeletePayment historyRetrieve all paid paymentsgetCreate new paid payment(s)postRetrieve a paid paymentgetPayment checksRetrieve all payment checksgetCreate new payment check(s)postRetrieve a payment checkget🪝 WebhooksTrustpair webhooksHow to set-up webhooks on your Trustpair environmentVerifying webhook signaturesPowered by Destroy a company account audit from your supplier listdelete https://app-sandbox.trustpair.com/api/v1/company_account_audits/{id}Remove a vendor record from your active supplier directory.