Trustpair uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request.

In general:

  • Codes in the 2xx range indicates success.
  • Codes in the 4xx range indicates an error due to the information that were provided (e.g., a required parameter was omitted, a charge failed, etc.)
  • Codes in the 5xx range indicates an error with Trustpair's servers (these are rare).
HTTP Status CodeDescription
200 - OKEverything worked as expected
202 - AcceptedThe request has been accepted and processing has not been completed yet
401 - UnauthorizedNo valid API key or no API key was provided.
403 - ForbiddenThe API key does not have the necessary permissions to perform the request
404 - Not FoundThe requested resource could be not found.
422 - Un-processable entityThe request format was invalid. See more below.
429 - Too many requestsToo many requests were received. We recommend spacing requests increasing the interval between your requests, for instance using an exponential backoff.
500 - Internal Server ErrorThe Trustpair API experienced an internal server error. Our team has been notified and is working to fix it.


More infos about 422 errors

For all POST requests, when there are format errors or missing mandatory or conditional data, Trustpair's API will answer with a 422 HTTP answer code. The answer will contain more information about the more specific reason why the format was invalid. Here is the list of potential answers:

TypeKeyReason for failureEN message
BankibanMissing "At least one of the bank account identifiers must be present"
Bankbank_account_numberMissing "At least one of the bank account identifiers must be present"
Bankbank_account_typeIncorrect"Invalid account number" _OR "This country uses the IBAN format, please select IBAN as the account type"_
Bankbank_account_bicMissing"Required if bank_account_number is present"
BankbicIncorrect"Invalid BIC number"
Companycompany_country_codeMissing/Incorrect "Required"
Companycompany_registrationMissing"At least one of the company identifiers must be present"
Companytax_numberMissing"At least one of the company identifiers must be present"
CompanydunsMissing"At least one of the company identifiers must be present"
Companycompany_registration_typeIncorrect"Invalid company registration"

Note that the answer will contain the list of errors if there are more than one (see example below)

  "errors": {
    "company_country_code": [
    "bank_account_bic": [
      "Required if bank_account_number is present"