3️⃣ Payment history

To strengthen Trustpair's analysis we highly recommend to send us your payment history.

This file gathers all the payments made on your third parties.
For the first import, we recommend to send us at least the 18months of history. For all subsequent imports, the delta of payments made since the last imports.

File format and content

Your CSV file must contain all the columns described below. They may be empty if the content is not mandatory.
To ensure proper processing of the file, the headers (without spaces) must be respected.

Note that the order of columns is not important.

File "payment history" imported into Trustpair

Your CSV file must contain all the columns shown below. They may be empty if the content is not mandatory.
To ensure proper processing of the file, the headers (without spaces) must be respected.

Header/column nameContent for legal entitiesContent for individuals DescriptionExample
company_country_codeMandatory-Country code in format ISO 3166 (2 or 3 car.)FR or FRA
company_nameMandatory-Name of the companyTrustpair
company_registration1 of the 3 IDs is mandatory -National identification number of the vendor832940670
tax_number1 of the 3 IDs-European VAT numberFR40123456824
duns1 of the 3 IDs-9-digit identification number issued by the private company Dun & Bradstreet270243120
natural_person_country_code-MandatoryCountry code in format ISO 3166 (2 or 3 car.)FR or FRA
natural_person_tax_number-OptionalUsed for countries with tax ID for natural persons12345678
last_name-MandatoryFamily nameDupont
first_name-MandatoryFirst nameMarie
other_name-OptionalOther name
bank_account_country_codeMandatoryMandatoryCountry code in format ISO 3166 (2 or 3 car.)FR or FRA
ibanMandatory - for IBAN zoneMandatory - for IBAN zoneSupplier's account number in IBAN formatFR7612548029981234567890161
bank_account_numberMandatory - for non-IBAN zoneMandatory - for non-IBAN zoneBank account number of the vendor123550679
bic or bic_code1 of the 2 is mandatory - for non-IBAN zone1 of the 2 is mandatory - for non-IBAN zoneAccount number bic code019389857
routing_number1 of the 2 is mandatory - for non-IBAN zone1 of the 2 is mandatory - for non-IBAN zoneRouting number or bank codeDepending on countries
control_keyOptionalOptionalControl keyDepending on countries
supplier_idMandatoryMandatoryUnique identifier of the supplier in your database. Its content should never change for a supplierSpecific to your company
supplier_statusOptionalOptionalStatus of the supplier in the database allowing to indicate a deactivated supplier but still present in the supplier database2 types of values are accepted:
empty - provider has not been disabled
disabled - supplier disabled
amountMandatoryMandatoryThe amount of the payment (decimal separated by a point or a comma)2746.12 or 2746,12
payment_currencyMandatoryMandatoryThe currency of the payment in ISO 4217 format (3 char)GBP, USD, EUR
payment_statusMandatoryMandatoryThe payment status indicating that the payment has been madePaid or Cancelled
payment_idMandatoryMandatoryThe uniqueness of the "payment_id" is required for the analysis of payments in the Trustpair solution. Depending on the ERP, it may be necessary to combine different concepts into one fieldIt could be necessary to do some concatenation of fields
execution_dateMandatoryMandatoryPayment date in ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DD or DD/MM/YYYY2019-09-17 or 30/01/2020
invoice_idOptionalOptionalThe unique identifier of the invoice in your databaseSpecific to your company
invoice_numberOptionalOptionalThe invoice number (external reference indicated on the invoice)Specific to your company
batch_idOptionalOptionalPayment campaign batch to which the payment is attachedSpecific to your company

Template & examples


Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager for an example

If needed, we can provide you with a .csv sheet that displays all the columns required with several examples. You can then duplicate it, fill-it with your extraction file informations and name it according to the conventions above.